About the Journal
Journal of advanced applied scientific research (JOAASR) is an entrenched podium for scientific exchange among applied scientific research. The journal aims to publish papers dealing with novel experimental and theoretical aspects of applied scientific research. The focus is on fundamental and advance papers that understanding of applied scientific research.
JOAASR incorporates innovations of the novel theoretical and experimental approaches on the quantitative, qualitative and modeling of advanced scientific concepts.
The JOAASR welcomes interdisciplinary work of scientifically important on all aspects of science & technology.
JOAASR principally welcomes manuscripts dealing with:
- Essential aspects of science and technology
- Modern experimental and theoretical aspects of spectroscopy (such as ab-initio and DFT modeling of chemical compounds)
- Modern applications in physics, chemistry and Bio materials
- Advances in Nano science and technology
- Advances in Material science
- Advances in Environment chemistry
- Synthesis chemistry
- Green chemistry
- Computational nanotechnology
- Renewable energy
- Nano-Biotechnology
- Photonics
- Advanced concepts of Biosciences
- Advanced concepts of Physical Science
- Advanced concepts of Chemical Science
- Advanced concepts of Computing and Technology
Accepting for publication in JOAASR are relevance, innovation, individuality, and exceptional quality. Manuscripts are presentation of trivial extensions and established or published methodologies as review. JOAASR is Bi-monthly published open access journal.
Journal of advanced applied scientific research (JOAASR) is Bi-monthly published open access and peer review journal. There will be three round of review process. In order to concentrate peer review process potential reviewer database followed. Based on the reviewer report Editor would accept the Manuscript.
Further there will be no conflict of interest between the authors both concept wise and financial wise.
Further there will be no plagrisam deduction and author should ensure their manuscript plagrisam free.
JOAASR follow a double blind peer review process(Both Author and Reviewer couldn't know their identity)
Primary review process will be completed 5 weeks from the date of submission.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Jamal Mohamed College Publication,
Jamal Mohamed College,
P.Box.No : 808, No 7,
Race Course Road,
Tiruchirappalli-620 020.
Website: www.jmc.edu
[Previous Affiliation : Pubelese publisher]