Indoors Fitness Training Monitoring based on OpenPose
Image Processing, Deep learning, Body part RecognitionAbstract
With the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, people's daily life has changed. The changing life habits are reflected in the increasing number of hours working at home. Mostly affected is physical fitness, because of limitations or fear of the gym/outdoors or effective exercise indoors. However, with the arrival of the post-pandemic era, although working at home has improved, the fitness problem still haunts people. Some people have become accustomed to home fitness and are no longer limited to the traditional gym or gymnasium. However, proper and safe exercising is still a challenge due to the lack of live coaching. With the advent of artificial intelligence and the improvement of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) capabilities, the options for live off-site coaching have become feasible. This study is based on OpenPose technology in artificial intelligence to monitor the standard of people's movements in-home fitness. The study results are encouraging.
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